Global: Feed families who need it most

Global: Feed families who need it most
supporters-icon334,160 supporters
40,047,605 meals


Shared meals will help some of WFP's most critical operations around the world.

Around the world, 783 million people don't have enough food to lead an active and healthy life. As countries face a record number of emergencies, many fueled by conflict and the effects of climate change, more people are being pushed further into hunger. To ensure the most vulnerable people get lifesaving aid, WFP is on the ground providing food and other assistance to almost 100 million people in 123 countries worldwide. Each day, WFP has 5,600 trucks, 30 ships and nearly 100 planes on the move delivering support to those who need it most.

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Support in Greates Needs and help provide meals to those in need. Your donation ensures a brighter, healthier future for communities.
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